ICI Division of Medicinal & Biological Chemistry Updates

Check out the ICI Division of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry section on this website for recent updates, including registration details, in relation to the following:

17th EFMC Short Course on Medicinal Chemistry
Small Molecule Protein Degraders: A New Opportunity for Drug Design and Development’

17th EFMC Short Course on Medicinal Chemistry Programme (efmcshortcourses.org)


EFMC International Symposium on Chemical Biology 

The European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (EFMC) and the Swiss Chemical Society, Division for Medicinal Chemistry & Chemical Biology (DMCCB) will be organising the International Symposium on Chemical Biology (EFMC-ISCB) on November 16-18, 2023 in Basel, Switzerland.


VIII SEQT Summer School (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) 

The 8th SEQT Summer School – Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology in Drug Discovery: The Pharma Perspective is an EFMC Certified School organised by the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT) and GalChimia with the aim of approaching the pharma industry to young researchers, both graduate students and post-doctoral associates, working in the chemistry and health sciences related fields. The summer school will take place in JUNE 19-21, 2023 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Nordic-Irish Process Chemistry Forum 2023

Almac will be hosting a Nordic-Irish Process Chemistry Forum from 6 – 8 June 2023 in Belfast, on behalf of the Nordic Process Chemistry Group.

The agenda includes industry and academia. There are also opportunities for PhD students to showcase their research studies either through a “Five Minutes of Fame” presentation or a poster.

Please refer to the website here for further details.


Irish Mass Spectrometry Society (IMSS) 2023

Venue: George Moore Auditorium, UCD, Dublin
Date: 10th May 2023
Time: Full day
Tickets:  Available through the IMSS website soon.

• €1,000 bursary for best postgraduate presentation including 1st/2nd year postdoctoral speaker
• Awards for best student poster presentation

For those of you who would like to orally present at this year’s conference, or submit a poster the call is open until the 28th of February so please get in touch as soon as possible to register your interest and submit an abstract.
As always the contact address is imssconference@gmail.com and keep an eye on our website www.imss.ie for updates.


14th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline Webinar ‘Successful Stories of Women in Science: Inspiring Career Paths’

The next webinar in the 14th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline will be Successful Stories of Women in Science: Inspiring Career Paths”, taking place February 28 (16:30 to 18:30 CET) 

MedChemBioOnline is a series of webinars mixing science, soft-skills trainings and round table discussions. This initiative aims to meet the needs of our scientific community to continue interacting and sharing ideas and innovation, as well as providing early career scientists with opportunities to listen to outstanding scientists and expand their knowledge.

The 14th EFMC-YSN MedChemBioOnline will offer an exciting programme around the topics of “Successful Stories of Women in Science: Inspiring Career Paths”.

PROGRAMME (indicated times are CET):

  • 16:30: Welcome & Opening
  • 16:35: Addressing Underexplored Anti-infective Targets
    Prof. Anna K. H. Hirsch (Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland, Germany)
  • 17:10: Science Communication is Not Only for the Public
    Dr Élodie Chabrol (Freelance Science Communicator, France) 
  • 17:45: Round Table Discussion: “Challenges and Opportunities for Women in STEM”
    Dr Elodie Chabrol (Freelance Science Communicator, France)
    Prof. Anna K. H. Hirsch (Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutcial Research Saarland, Germany)
    Prof. Zaneta Nikolovska-Coleska (University of Michigan, United States)
    Dr Radka Snajdrova (Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland)
    Dr Wendy Young (MPM Capital, United States)
  • 18:30: End of the Webinar

More information & registration on www.medchembio.online 


Calls are now open for the ICI Boyle Higgins Gold Medal and Lecture Award, the ICI Annual Award for Chemistry (Eva Philbin Lecture Series) and the ICI Postgraduate Award

Check out this wonderful RTE Archive of Tadhg Begley (Distinguished Professor, Derek Barton Professor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University and 2021 ICI Boyle Higgins Gold Medal Awardee) winning the Young Scientist Award in 1973

Click here to access this archive


Check out the new logo of the ICI Division of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry!


31st Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference

The Group for the Promotion of Pharmaceutical chemistry in Academia (GP2A) will hold the 31st Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference at the School of Pharmacy, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille – France, 23-25th August 2023.

The registration platform will open soon to submit abstracts for poster and oral presentation. The GP2A conference offers an opportunity for PhD students and early career researchers to share the stage with our invited speakers, so this year a number of abstracts will be selected for oral communication.

Further information about the conference will follow soon.

Members of the GP2A network are entitled to substantial registration discounts, so be sure to enrol as a network member prior to registration.

For more information about the GP2A network, please feel free to visit our website: www.gp2a.org



A Joint Event Hosted by the ICI Division of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry and the RSC Carbohydrate Interest Group in QUB, 21-22 Nov, 2022

The first event organized by the recently launched Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Division of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, jointly with the RSC Carbohydrate Interest Group took place in Queen’s University Belfast on 21-22 November 2022.

The meeting, organized by Prof Gerd Wagner (QUB), brought together over 2 days a great line of speakers with research interests in Carbohydrate and Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology from across Ireland, UK and Europe. It also featured the Dextra Award Lecture by Prof Gavin Miller (Keele University). Importantly, a dedicated Early Career Researcher session provided an opportunity for PhD students, postdocs, and early stage academics to present their research.


ICI Centenary Congress 2022

The ICI hosted a very special Centenary Congress in the Royal Irish Academy, Dawson Street, Dublin on Thursday, 17th November, 2022.
The full Congress programme may be found here: ICI Centenary Congress 2022
Pictured (front row from l to r): Professor Steven bell, Professor Carmel Breslin, Professor Tadhg Begley, Professor Grace Morgan. Pictured (back row from l to r): Professor Mike Zaworokto, Professor Paul Murphy, Professor Pat Guiry, Professor John Wenger, Professor Susan Quinn

Pictured above are five ICI Presidents (front from l to r) are Professor Celine Marmion (President from 2019-2022), Professor Derbhile Donnelly (Presdient from 1994-1996), Professor Patrick Guiry (current President), and (back from l to r) are Professor John Cassidy (President from 2017-2019) and Mr Patrick Hobbs (President from 2013-2015).