ICI Annual Award Ceremony – 18th April, 2024

The ICI Annual Award Ceremony took place in

UCD, O’Brien Centre for Science, SCIH 1.37 Lynch Theatre in Science Hub

on Thursday, 18th April, 2024

Congratulations to all the ICI Awardees who delivered outstanding presentations during the Ceremony. Programme details may be found here: ICI Annual Award Ceremony 2024 Programme

Pictured here is Professor Pat Guiry, ICI President, presenting Ellen Fay, School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin with her ICI Postgraduate Award 2024.
Her Award Lecture was entitled
‘Nucleoside and Oligonucleotide Modification for Targeting DNA Damage Repair’

Pictured here is Professor Pat Guiry, ICI President, presenting Professor Tia Keyes, School of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City University with her  ICI Boyle Higgins Gold Medal and Lecture Award 2024.
Her Award Lecture was entitled
‘Probes and Platforms for Biophysics; A Chemist’s Solution to Biological Problems’

Pictured here is Professor Pat Guiry, ICI President, presenting Professor Stuart James, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast with his ICI Eva Philbin Award 2024. His Award Lecture was entitled
‘Mechanochemistry and Porous Liquids: New thinking for Sustainable Processes’


Pictured here are Professor Frank Hegarty (UCD), Professor Pat Guiry (UCD), Professor Tia Keyes (DCU) and Professor John Kelly (TCD), all ICI Boyle Higgins’ Gold Medal and Lecture Awardees!

Pictured here (from l to r) are
Professor Pat Guiry (ICI President), Margaret Franklin (Past ICI President 2015-2017),
Professor Celine Marmion (Immediate Past President 2019-2022) and
Patrick Hobbs (Past President 2013-2015)

75th ICI Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 18th April, 2024 at 18.00 in UCD

The 75th ICI AGM will take place in

UCD, O’Brien Centre for Science, SCIH 1.37 Lynch Theatre in Science Hub

on Thursday, 18th April, 2024

commencing at 18.00.

All ICI members are welcome to attend.

ICI Award Ceremony – 18th April, 2024

Please find below the details for the upcoming  ICI Award Ceremony to be held on 18th April, 2024  commencing at 15.00 in UCD. This is an in-person event and all are welcome to attend.

ICI Award Ceremony

Venue: UCD, O’Brien Centre for Science, SCIH 1.37 Lynch Theatre in Science Hub


3.00-3.20 Ellen Fay – ICI Postgraduate Award – “Nucleoside and Oligonucleotide Modification for Targeting DNA Damage Repair”

3.20-4.00 Susan Quinn (Eva Philbin Award Lecture 2023) – “Adventures in DNA: Exploring New Avenues for Light Activated Diagnostics and Therapeutics”

4-4.40 Stuart James (Eva Philbin Award Lecture 2024) – “Mechanochemistry and Porous Liquids: New thinking for Sustainable Processes”

4.40-5.20 Tia Keyes (Boyle-Higgins Medal 2024) – “Probes and Platforms for Biophysics; A chemist’s solution to Biological problems”

5.30-6pm Wine Reception


Call for Abstracts – 11th EFMC Young Medicinal Chemists’ Symposium – Rome, Italy – September 5-6, 2024

To support young European researchers in sharing their scientific work with peers and leaders in the field, the committee encourages you to submit your abstract!
Around 20 flash presentations will be chosen from the submissions and several prizes will recognise excellence in both oral communications and poster presentations during the symposium.
Mark your calendar for the abstract submission deadlines:
Flash Poster Presentation: May 6, 2024
• Poster Presentation: July 10, 2024
Do not miss this opportunity to share your research and contribute to the scientific community!
EFMC is offering grants to support the participation of young academic scientists in both EFMC-ISMC and EFMC-YMCS events. Up to 10 applicants will have their full registration fees covered by EFMC.
Deadline: March 7, 2024

Announcing ICI Student Bursaries for ECC-9!

The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (ICI) is delighted to provide 20 student bursaries (ECC-9 student registration fee) to students attending the 9th EuChemS Congress (ECC-9) which is taking place in Dublin, Ireland, 7-11th July, 2024.

Bursary applicants must:

  • be an undergraduate student or postgraduate scholar registered in an Irish higher education institution
  • be members of the ICI
  • have an ECC-9 abstract accepted

To apply for an ICI student bursary, please complete the application form here.

Please note the following key dates:

Deadline for ICI bursary applications: 17th March, 2024 (St. Patrick’s Day)

Please click here for further details in relation to the Congress and ECC-9 abstract submission process.

If you wish to become a graduate member of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland, further details may be found here


“Ceimic as Gaeilge” – Exciting Irish language Event from ICI YCN

For Seachtain na Gaeilge the ICI Young Chemists Network is organising an event presenting short talks from chemists and researchers on a range of topics through the Irish language. This is the first event of its kind and all with an interest are welcome to attend. It will take place on Friday 1 March at 1.30 pm in the Phelan Room in the National University of Ireland (49 Merrion Square East, Dublin 2). Spaces are somewhat limited, so please register at the link below if you plan to attend: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/youngchemistsnetworklonranagceimiceoirg/

Le linn Seachtain na Gaeilge tá Líonra na gCeimiceoirí Óga ICÉ ag eagrú imeacht á chur i láthair léiriú ó cheimiceoirí agus taighdeoirí ar réimse ábhair trí meán na Gaeilge. Seo an chéad imeacht dá short, agus tá fáilte roimh gach duine freastail. Beidh an imeacht ar siúil Dé hAoine 1 Marta ag 1.30 i.n. i Seomra Phelan ag Ollscoil na hÉireann (49 Céarnóg Mhuirfeann Thoir, BÁC 2). Tá spás réasúnta teoranta, le bhur dtoil cláraigh ag an nasc seo leanas má tá tú ar intinn teacht: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/youngchemistsnetworklonranagceimiceoirg/

Le gach dea-ghuí
Joseph Byrne, UCD and Cathal Ó Ceallaigh QUB

47th ICI Congress on ‘Achieving Sustainability Through Chemistry’

The 47th ICI Congress on
‘Achieving Sustainability Through Chemistry’
will be hosted by Queen’s University Belfast
on 24th October, 2023

Click ICI Congress 2023 for
programme and registration details

ICI Annual Award Ceremony and AGM

THe ICI Annual Award Ceremony and 74th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday, 29th June, 2023. Please see further details below.

Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
Annual Award Ceremony and 74th Annual General Meeting


Thursday, 29th June, 2023

at 16.00 in Theatre C (O’Connor Lecture Theatre)

Science Hub, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

16.00-16.05 Welcome and ICI Update

Professor Patrick Guiry, ICI President

16:05-16:35 ICI Postgraduate Awardee 2023 Award Lecture
The development of Polypropylene Jerrycans for Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water: Anti-microbial Properties, Durability and  Toxicity Analysis
Kris O’Dowd, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo 
16.35-17.25 ICI Boyle Higgins Award Lecture 2023
‘Chiral Nanomaterials’
Professor Yuri Gun’ko, Trinity College Dublin 
17.25-17.30 Closing Remarks

Professor Patrick Guiry, ICI President

17.30-18.00 BREAK – Wine Reception
18.00-18.45 74th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

All ICI members are welcome to attend

9th EuChemS Congress (ECC-9), Dublin, Ireland 7-11th July, 2024

The ICI is delighted to be hosting ECC-9 which will take place in the Convention Centre in Dublin, Ireland from the 7th-11th July, 2024 inclusive.
Further details may be found here:

ICI David Brown Award 2023

This award was established in 2014 to honour Professor David Brown of University College Dublin in recognition of his enormous contribution to inorganic chemistry both nationally and internationally. Professor Brown, together with Professor Bill Davis (TCD) hosted the International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC) in UCD in 1974. With some funds remaining, Professor Brown set up what became known as the Greystones weekend meetings, which were held in the LaTouche Hotel in Greystones and later in a more formal setting, in Maynooth University, hosted by Dr Malachy McCann every three years until 2005. This was re-launched as a one day Inorganic Ireland Symposium and has been held approximately every two years since then. A highlight of this symposium is the presentation of the ICI David Brown award to a colleague who has made an outstanding contribution to inorganic chemistry.

Following an open call for nominations and an independent review process for the ICI David Brown Award 2023, we are delighted to let you know that Professor Thorfinnur (Thorri) Gunnlaugsson, School of Chemistry, Trinity College Dublin, is this year’s recipient of this highly prestigious award. Professor Gunnlaugsson’s profile may be found here.  Our warmest congratulations to Professor Gunnlaugsson. Professor Gunnlaugsson will deliver his award lecture entitled ‘Tails of two endeavours! The application of lanthanides and Ru(II) in the formation of luminescent supramolecular systems’ during the Inorganic Ireland Symposium 2023 which is being in TCD on Friday, 19th May.