ICI Annual Award Ceremony and AGM

THe ICI Annual Award Ceremony and 74th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Thursday, 29th June, 2023. Please see further details below.

Institute of Chemistry of Ireland
Annual Award Ceremony and 74th Annual General Meeting


Thursday, 29th June, 2023

at 16.00 in Theatre C (O’Connor Lecture Theatre)

Science Hub, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

16.00-16.05 Welcome and ICI Update

Professor Patrick Guiry, ICI President

16:05-16:35 ICI Postgraduate Awardee 2023 Award Lecture
The development of Polypropylene Jerrycans for Solar Disinfection of Drinking Water: Anti-microbial Properties, Durability and  Toxicity Analysis
Kris O’Dowd, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo 
16.35-17.25 ICI Boyle Higgins Award Lecture 2023
‘Chiral Nanomaterials’
Professor Yuri Gun’ko, Trinity College Dublin 
17.25-17.30 Closing Remarks

Professor Patrick Guiry, ICI President

17.30-18.00 BREAK – Wine Reception
18.00-18.45 74th Annual General Meeting (AGM)

All ICI members are welcome to attend

9th EuChemS Congress (ECC-9), Dublin, Ireland 7-11th July, 2024

The ICI is delighted to be hosting ECC-9 which will take place in the Convention Centre in Dublin, Ireland from the 7th-11th July, 2024 inclusive.
Further details may be found here: