9th EuChemS Congress hosted by the ICI from 7-11th July, 2024

The ICI proudly hosted 

the 9th EuChemS Congress (ECC-9)

in the Dublin Convention Centre, Ireland

from 7-11th July, 2024 

A full report to follow shortly but some key highlighted provided below:


As part of ECC-9, Professor Pat Guiry, ICI President and President of the Royal Irish Academy hosted a special event in the RIA ‘In Conversation with Two Nobel Laureates’ on Monday, 8th July, 2024


Pictured above is Professor Pat Guiry (right) with Professor Sir David W. C. MacMillan, Princeton University, US (left) and Professor Frances H. Arnold, California Institute of Technology, US


Pictured from l to r are Nobel Laureates Professor Sir David W. C. MacMillan and Professor Frances H. Arnold, Professor Pat Guiry (ICI President and ECC-9 Chair), Professor Celine Marmion (ECC-9 Local Organising Committee Co-Chair), Professor David A. Leigh (ECC-9 International Scientific Committee Chair) and Professor Thorri Gunnlaugsson (ECC-9 Local Organising Committee Co-Chair)


As part of ECC-9, Professor Celine Marmion, ICI Immediate Past President and ECC-9 Local Organising Committee Co-Chair hosted a special reception in the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences which included a presentation on the history of RCSI and the history of Chemistry in RCSI on Tuesday, 9th July, 2024


Pictured from l to r are Professor Thorri Gunnlaugsson (ECC-9 Local Organising Committee Co-Chair), Professor Celine Marmion (ICI Immediate Past President and ECC-9 Local Organising Committee Co-Chair), Professor Pat Guiry (ICI President and ECC-9 Chair), Professor Angela Agostiano (EuChemS President), Professor Floris Rutjes (EuChemS Immediate Past President)

Pictured here are some members of the ICI Council. From l to r are Dr Sean Reidy, Professor Steven Bell (ICI Vice-President), Professor Celine Marmion (ICI Immediate Past President), Professor Pat Guiry (ICI President), Dr O. Finlayson (ICI Registrar), Mr Patrick Hobbs (Irish Chemical News Editor), Dr Brian Murray and Dr John Keegan (ICI Treasurer)

Pictured here are some members of the ECC-9 International Scientific Committee

Pictured here include ECC-9 platinum sponsors – senior members from the Royal Society of Chemistry and the American Chemical Society


The ECC-9 Banquet took place in the iconic Croke Park (Home of the GAA and Ireland’s Gaelic Games) on Wednesday, 10th July, 2024